Menlo Comics Anthologies

The following comics were created by Menlo high school students during a week-long course exploring the art of comics. Since we spent the first 2 days exploring and learning about the medium, these comics were mostly created in 2 to 3 days, or roughly 10-15 hours. Inspired by the Flight comic anthologies, each anthology revolves around a theme.

In a few short days, the students went through the entire comicking process: from initial brainstorming to character and setting design, outlining and layouts, and finally, the pencilling of 6-8 comic pages. Some of the students had never drawn more than a stick figure before. Others hadn't composed a creative story since elementary school. Most of them had never faced the challenge of drawing the same character 50 times over 8 pages. As you scroll through the stories that range from the comedic to the dramatic, remember that for many of the students, this was their first.

2013: B R I D G E
Menlo Knight School, 2/10-2/15, 2013

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Alex Gold
Amelia Blackburn and Myles Jeffery
Andrew Cardozo
Elena Mendez-Leal
Jared Lucian
Kristina Van de Goor and Lena Gloeckler
MacKenzie Duffner
Monica Juan
Sarah Rantz
Vikram Chari

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2010: K N I G H T
a Menlo School comics anthology
Menlo Knight School, 3/29-4/1, 2010

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Alyssa Meyer & Sharon Wu
Bijan Thornycroft
Brian Francis
Cal Maruyama
Carson Badger
Charles Lewis
Chris Zeisler
Colin Barrett
Laura Anderson
Martin Keyt
Meredie Johnson
Nick Batchelder & Nick Schultz
Chewy Nakata
Spencer Toms
Tom Flippin
Tucker King
Ms. Xia

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2010, Sushu Xia, Menlo School