Elena Mendez-Leal
Creator Notes
My name is Elena Mendez Leal and I am currently a junior. I have always loved to draw and enjoy readin comics of various backgrounds. During this course I learned the "behind the scenes" of comics and how it is much more then simply drawing. Each panel and each angle in which you draw a scene can depict a vary different story or overall mood of the comic. If I were to work on a new comic I would like to polish my character design and plan the story out clearer and more fluid.
My comic is simply about a raven who is constantly bothered by extremely hyper pigeons. I'm not particularly sure what led me to this topic, but I have always been drawn to animal comics and giving voices or personalities that may not be quite as noticeable in real life. It's a silly story and I guess tells the reader to never be caught unawares. I am particularly attached to my pigeon captain because of his mischievous and goofy personality.