Laura Anderson
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Creator Notes

My comic is about an Arabian princess who gets kidnapped by Dr. Evil because she knows information about his special scientific studies. Luckily, Aiden, a village servant comes to her rescue and wins her love. It's a pretty classic fairy tale, but I thought it would be fun to try and recreate it in my own voice. I decided upon my layouts by writing out what dialogue (or lack thereof) between the characters and what pictures to go with them. Then I thought about what sized and shaped panels I would need. Although the whole idea is simplistic, I wanted to practice comics in a clean, straight to the point fashion.

I created the characters first. My main character, the princess is actually a character I had created about a year ago. I had found the original drawing and then decided to incorporate other characters around her to make a story. Then I decided dialogue and descriptions of pictures, followed by the panel design. Then I added everything in. I'm proud of the effort I put into the drawing (specifically the first page), even though it took a long time. On my next comic I think a longer timeline would help, and maybe a shorter storyline, so I could focus on drawing more.

Comic Review

I thought that the artwork by Laura Anderson made the comic mood happy and enchanting. My eyes were first drawn to the neat artwork and the creativity drawn by her. It had a very Disney-like look to it. I enjoyed the characters and the artwork, the way it was displayed was very happy even when she was taken away. The long panel when Aiden was running to the castle shows him going towards the castle over an extended period of time. The fight was shown very well with this tornado like object with random symbols really worked. I would like to watch this artist expand her plot.
- Nick Schultz
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