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There are many other Strings of Fate related pages out there! Go visit them! (Most of them are much cooler than mine anyway....)

General Information

- "I'm still confused!"

ShenJu - Contains more detailed character analysis, speculation on possible couples, the Meishuu Theory, and fanfiction.



- "I want more pretty pictures!"

Scribbled Speghetti, Tochi's art site, has such gems as her Original artwork, including many SoF pictures, as well as an archive of SoF fanart.

Technomancy ==> Winamp Skins



- "Just give me the fics! Where's the yaoi?"

Technomancy ==>

Claws : Meishuu x Kuang Hu lemon.

ShenJu ==>

Mirror|rorriM : Meishuu + Tony
His Smile : Mao + Tony


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